Bootstrap 5 TutorialBootstrap FlexFlex in Bootstrap 5Bootstrap FlexThe Flexbox layout provides a powerful way to create flexible and responsive layouts with less CSS code.To use the Flexbox grid system in Bootstrap, you can apply the following classes to your HTML elements:.d-flex: This class makes an element a Flex container..flex-row: This class makes the Flex container a row..flex-column: This class makes the Flex container a column..justify-content-*: This class aligns Flex items along the main axis of the Flex container. You can replace the * with values such as start, center, end, between, around, or evenly..align-items-*: This class aligns Flex items along the cross axis of the Flex container. You can replace the * with values such as start, center, end, baseline, or stretch..flex-*: This class specifies the Flex grow, shrink, and basis values for Flex items. You can replace the * with values such as grow-0, shrink-1, basis-auto, or 1.As an example:<div class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-center align-items-center"> <div class="flex-grow-1">Item 1</div> <div class="flex-shrink-1">Item 2</div> <div class="flex-basis-50">Item 3</div></div>In this example:We've created a Flex container that's a row, centered horizontally and vertically, and contains three Flex items with different grow, shrink, and basis values.The first item will grow to fill the available space, the second item will shrink if necessary, and the third item will have a fixed width of 50 pixels.