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Tables in Bootstrap 5

Bootstrap Tables

Bootstrap provides a set of classes that you can use to create tables with different styles and functionality.

Here are some of the key table classes in Bootstrap:

  • .table: This is the base class for tables in Bootstrap 5. It adds basic styling and horizontal dividers between rows.

  • .table-striped: This class adds zebra-striping to the table. Alternate rows are given different background colors to improve readability.

  • .table-hover: This class adds a hover effect to the table rows. When you hover over a row, the background color changes to indicate that it is clickable.

  • .table-bordered: This class adds borders to all sides of the table and the cells.

  • .table-borderless: This class removes borders from the table and the cells.

  • .table-dark: This class adds a dark background color and light text color to the table. It is useful for creating tables that stand out on a page with a light background.

  • .table-responsive: This class makes the table responsive, so that it can be viewed on smaller screens without horizontal scrolling.

Here is an example of how to create a simple table with striped rows and a dark background color:



In this example:

  • The .table class adds basic styling to the table, the .table-striped class adds zebra-striping to the table rows, and the .table-dark class adds a dark background color to the table.
  • The table also has a heading row, which is created using the <thead> and <tr> tags, and a body section, which is created using the <tbody> tag.