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Exploring HTML Entities: Special Characters and Symbols in HTML

HTML entities are special characters that have a specific meaning in HTML, and are used to display or represent certain characters, symbols, or special characters in a web page.

Some common HTML entities include:

  • <: represents the less-than sign (<)
  • >: represents the greater-than sign (>)
  • &: - represents the ampersand (&)
  • ": - represents the double quotation mark (")
  • ': represents the single quotation mark (')

These entities are used to ensure that special characters are displayed correctly in the browser.

As an example:

  • if you want to display the symbol for a trademark (™), you can use the HTML entity ™.

Some Impotant HTML Entities

Character EntitySymbolDescription
&nbspNon-breaking space
&lt<Less-than sign
&gt>Greater-than sign
&cent¢Cent sign
&pound£Pound sign
&yen¥Yen sign
&euroEuro sign
&copy©Copyright symbol
&reg®Registered trademark symbol
&tradeTrademark symbol
&DaggerDouble dagger
&sect§Section symbol
&paraPilcrow (paragraph sign)
&hellipHorizontal ellipsis
&ndashEn dash
&mdashEm dash
&lsquoLeft single quotation mark
&rsquoRight single quotation mark
&ldquoLeft double quotation mark
&rdquoRight double quotation mark

Combining Diacritical Marks

Here are some HTML entities that you can use to add combining diacritical marks to characters

CharacterHTML EntityDescription
é&eacute;Small letter E with acute accent
è&egrave;Small letter E with grave accent
ê&ecirc;Small letter E with circumflex accent
ë&euml;Small letter E with diaeresis
ē&emacr;Small letter E with macron
ñ&ntilde;Small letter N with tilde
ō&omacr;Small letter O with macron
ı̇&#305;&#776;Small letter I with dot above and diaeresis
ï&iuml;Small letter I with diaeresis
ü&uuml;Small letter U with diaeresis
ū&umacr;Small letter U with macron
ǎ&abreve;Small letter A with breve
ċ&cdot;Small letter C with dot above
&ddot;Small letter D with dot below
ġ&gdot;Small letter G with dot above
&hdot;Small letter H with dot below
&kdot;Small letter K with dot below
&ldot;Small letter L with dot below
&mdot;Small letter M with dot below
&ndot;Small letter N with dot below
ř&racute;Small letter R with caron
ś&sacute;Small letter S with acute accent
&sdot;Small letter S with dot below
&tdot;Small letter T with dot below
ů&uring;Small letter U with ring above