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Introduction to Sass Import

Sass @import

Sass @import is a directive that is used to include the content of one Sass file in another Sass file. The @import directive helps to keep the code modular and organized, making it easier to maintain and update.

To use the @import directive in Sass, you can simply include the @import keyword, followed by the name of the file you want to include.

As an example:

To include the contents of a file called "styles.scss", you would write:

@import "styles";

By default, Sass will look for the file named "styles.scss" in the same directory as the file where the @import directive is written.

However, you can also use a relative or absolute path to import files from other directories.

As an example:

To import a file located in a subdirectory, you can write:

@import "partials/_variables";

This will import the file "\_variables.scss" from the "partials" directory, assuming that the "partials" directory is located in the same directory as the current Sass file.

use @use

Since Sass version 3.5, it's recommended to use the @use directive instead of @import. The @use directive provides better scoping and performance than @import.