Sass TutorialSass NestingIntroduction to Sass NestingSass NestingYou can nest selectors inside other selectors to create more specific CSS rules. In Sass, you can use the "&" character to reference the parent selector, which allows you to create complex nested selectors without having to repeat yourself.As an example:nav { ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; li { display: inline-block; a { text-decoration: none; padding: 10px; color: #333; &:hover { background-color: #eee; } } } }}In this example:We are styling a navigation menu.We start with the "nav" selector, and then nest the "ul" selector inside it.Inside the "ul" selector, we nest the "li" selector, and then finally the "a" selector.tipWe use the "&" character to reference the parent selector.Sass Nested PropertiesSass nested properties allow you to group related CSS properties together within a nested block, making your code more organized and easier to read.As an { background: { color: #ccc; image: url('bg-pattern.png'); repeat: repeat; } border: { color: #333; width: 2px; style: dashed; } font: { size: 16px; weight: bold; family: Arial, sans-serif; }}In this example:We are defining a box element with multiple related properties.We use the "background" nested property to group together the background color, image, and repeat properties.Similarly, we use the "border" nested property to group together the border color, width, and style properties, and the font nested property to group together the font size, weight, and family properties.