CSS TutorialCSS Attribute SelectorsCSS Attribute Selectors: Target Elements with PrecisionCSS [Attribute] SelectorsCSS Attribute Selectors allow you to select HTML elements based on the presence or value of their attributes.Here are a few examples of how you can use CSS Attribute Selectors:The [attribute] SelectorThis selector targets elements that have the specified attribute, regardless of its value.As an example:EditorLoading...Run Example >>The [attribute=value] SelectorThis selector targets elements that have the specified attribute with a specific value.As an example:EditorLoading...Run Example >>In this example:The CSS selector a[href="#top"] targets all links with an href value of "#top".In this case, it only matches the first link in the list.The text-decoration:none; property removes the underline from the link's text.The [attribute^=value] SelectorThis selector targets elements that have the specified attribute with a value that starts with the specified value.As an example:EditorLoading...Run Example >>In this example:The CSS selector [class^="example"] targets all elements that have a "class" attribute starting with "example".This includes the first three elements in the HTML code (the div, p, and span), but not the fourth one (the p with multiple classes).The font-weight: bold; property sets the font weight of the text inside those elements to bold.The [attribute$=value] SelectorThis selector targets elements that have the specified attribute with a value that ends with the specified value.As an example:EditorLoading...Run Example >>In this example:The CSS selector [href$=".pdf"] targets all elements with an "href" attribute that ends with ".pdf".This includes the first two links in the HTML code.The color: red; property sets the color of the text inside those links to red.The [attribute*=value] SelectorThis selector targets elements that have the specified attribute with a value that contains the specified value.As an example:EditorLoading...Run Example >>In this example:The CSS selector [src*="logo"] targets all elements with a "src" attribute that contains the word "logo".This includes the first two images in the HTML code.The width: 300px; property sets the width of those images to 300 pixels.infoThe selector also targets the iframe and audio elements, which have "src" attributes that contain the word "logo".