Introduction to CSS Grid Item
CSS Grid Item
In CSS Grid, an item refers to an element that is a direct child of a grid container and participates in the grid layout. Each item is positioned inside a grid cell and can span one or more cells.
To define an item in CSS Grid, you use the grid-item
or shorthand grid
property on the element.
As an example:
.item {
grid-row: 1 / span 2;
grid-column: 2 / 4;
In this example:
- The
class is defined to span two rows starting at the first row and two columns starting at the second column. - This will position the element in the second row, second column of the grid and make it span two rows and two columns.
You can also use the grid-area
property as a shorthand to define both the row and column positions and the span of the item.
As an example:
.item {
grid-area: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4;
In this example:
- The
class is defined to start at the first row and second column and end at the third row and fourth column. - This will position the element in the second row, second column of the grid and make it span two rows and two columns, just like in the previous example.
Here's an example of a CSS Grid layout with items:
In this example:
- We have a
element with a class of "grid-container"
that contains nine div
elements with a class of "grid-item"
. - The
element has a display property of "grid"
, which creates a CSS Grid layout. - The
property is set to "repeat(3, 1fr)"
, which creates three columns with equal widths. - The
property is set to "repeat(3, 100px)"
, which creates three rows with a height of 100
pixels. - The
property is set to 10
pixels, which adds spacing between the "grid-item"
elements. - The
elements have a background color of "#ccc"
, padding of 20
pixels, a font size of 30
pixels, and text centered. - The
pseudo-class is used to apply different styles to specific grid items. - The odd-numbered items have a background color of "#999" and white text.
- The first item in each row has a different position using the
and grid-row
The grid-column
The grid-column
property is a CSS property that is used to specify the placement of an item in a CSS Grid layout. This property defines both the starting and ending position of the grid columns that an item should span.
The grid-column
property can take one of the following values:
A single value, which specifies the grid column line that the item should start and end on.
Two values, which specify the starting and ending grid column lines that the item should span.
As an example:
.item {
grid-column: 3;
.item {
grid-column: 1 / 3;
The grid-column
property can also accept negative values, which count from the end of the grid line instead of the start.
As an example:
.item {
grid-column: -3 / -1;
You can also use the span
keyword to specify the number of columns that an item should span.
As an example:
.item {
grid-column: 3 / span 2;
In this example:
- The item starts on the third column line and spans two columns, so it will end on the fifth column line.
The grid-row
The grid-row
property is a CSS property that is used to specify the placement of an item in a CSS Grid layout. This property defines both the starting and ending position of the grid rows that an item should span.
The grid-row
property can take one of the following values:
A single value, which specifies the grid row line that the item should start and end on.
Two values, which specify the starting and ending grid row lines that the item should span.
As an example:
.item {
grid-row: 3;
.item {
grid-row: 1 / 3;
The grid-row
property can also accept negative values, which count from the end of the grid line instead of the start.
As an example:
.item {
grid-row: -3 / -1;
You can also use the span
keyword to specify the number of rows that an item should span.
As an example:
.item {
grid-row: 3 / span 2;
In this example:
- The item starts on the third row line and spans two rows, so it will end on the fifth row line.
The grid-area Property
The grid-area
property is a shorthand CSS property used to specify the grid placement and spanning of an item within a CSS Grid layout. This property combines the grid-row-start
, grid-column-start
, grid-row-end
, and grid-column-end
properties into a single convenient shorthand.
The grid-area
property can take one of the following values:
Four values, which represent grid-row-start
, grid-column-start
, grid-row-end
, and grid-column-end
in that order.
Three values, which represent grid-row-start
, grid-column-start
, and span
followed by the number of columns and rows the item should span, separated by a slash (/) and in that order.
As an example:
.item {
grid-area: 1 / 1 / 3 / 4;
.item {
grid-area: 2 / 2 / span 2 / span 3;
In the first example:
- The item starts on row line 1 and column line 1, and spans to row line 3 and column line 4.
In the second example:
- The item starts on row line 2 and column line 2, and spans 2 rows and 3 columns.
When using the grid-area
property, any missing values are assumed to be auto, which will cause the item to be automatically placed within the grid.
Naming Grid Items
The grid-template-areas
property takes a string value, where each line represents a row of the grid, and each string within that line represents a cell in the row. A period (.) represents an empty cell, while any other character represents a named area.
As an example:
In this example:
- We have a
element with a class of "grid-container"
that contains four div
elements with a class of "grid-item"
. - The
element has a display
property of "grid", which creates a CSS Grid layout. - The
property is set to "repeat(3, 1fr)"
, which creates three columns with equal widths. - The
property is set to "repeat(2, 1fr)"
, which creates two rows with equal heights. - The
property is set to 10
pixels, which adds spacing between the "grid-item"
elements. - The
elements have a background color of "#ccc"
, padding of 20 pixels, a font size of 30
pixels, and text centered. - Instead of using
pseudo-class, we are naming the grid items using class names. - We have four named grid items -
, "sidebar"
, "main-content"
, and "footer"
. Each of these items has a specific position in the grid using the grid-row
and grid-column
The Order of the Items
In CSS Grid, you can control the order in which items are displayed using the order
property. The order
property is used to define the order
in which items should appear in the grid, relative to other items. Items with a lower order
value will appear before items with a higher order value.
As an example:
In this example:
- The
property is set to "repeat(3, 1fr)"
, which creates three columns with equal widths. - The
property is set to "repeat(2, 1fr)"
, which creates two rows with equal heights. - The
property is set to 10
pixels, which adds spacing between the "grid-item"
elements. - The
elements have a background color of "#ccc"
, padding of 20
pixels, a font size of 30
pixels, and text centered.