CSS AdvancedCSS VariablesIntroduction to CSS Variablesimport CustomEditorHTML from "@site/src/components/CustomEditorHTML";CSS VariablesCSS variables, also known as custom properties, allow you to define a value once and reuse it throughout your CSS. They are declared using the -- prefix followed by a name and a value.As an example::root { --main-color: #007bff;}In this example:We're defining a variable named --main-color with a value of #007bff.The :root selector specifies that this variable should be available to all elements in the document.You can use this variable to set the color of an element like this:button { background-color: var(--main-color);}In this example:We're using the var() function to reference the --main-color variable.This will set the background color of all buttons to the value of the --main-color variable, which is #007bff.CSS variables can also be used to create more complex styles::root { --main-color: #007bff; --main-background: var(--main-color); --main-border: 2px solid var(--main-color);}button { background-color: var(--main-background); border: var(--main-border);}In this example:We're defining three variables: --main-color, --main-background, and --main-border.The --main-background variable references the --main-color variable, and the --main-border variable uses the var() function to include the --main-color variable in a border declaration.use variablesYou can create more modular and maintainable CSS styles, and easily update the appearance of your website or application by changing the value of a single variable.How var() WorksThe var() function in CSS is used to reference a CSS variable or custom property. It allows you to use the value of a variable in a CSS property value.The syntax of the var() function is as follows:var(<variable-name>, <default-value>)In this example:<variable-name> is the name of the CSS variable or custom property you want to reference, without the -- prefix.<default-value> is an optional value that is used if the referenced variable is undefined.As an example::root { --main-color: #007bff;}button { background-color: var(--main-color, red);}In this example:We're defining a CSS variable named --main-color with a value of #007bff.We're then using the var() function to set the background color of a button element to the value of the --main-color variable.If the --main-color variable is not defined, the background color will be red.