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Javascript Function Bind

The bind() method in JavaScript creates a new function with a specified this value and optionally some pre-set arguments.

It returns a new function that, when called, has the this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any other arguments provided when the new function is called.

Here's an example of how to use bind():

const person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
fullName: function () {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

const greet = function (message) {
console.log(message + ", " + this.fullName());

const greetJohn = greet.bind(person, "Hello");
greetJohn(); // "Hello, John Doe"

In this example:

  • We have an object person with two properties firstName and lastName, and a method fullName() that returns the full name of the person.
  • We also have a function greet() that takes a message as an argument and logs a greeting message that includes the full name of the person.
  • We create a new function greetJohn by calling bind() on the greet() function and passing the person object as the first argument, followed by the message "Hello".
  • This creates a new function that, when called, logs the message "Hello, John Doe".
  • We then call greetJohn(), which logs the message using the fullName() method of the person object.

The bind() method is useful when you want to create a new function that has a fixed this value and some pre-set arguments. It allows you to reuse a function with different this values or argument sequences without having to redefine the function.

Difference between bind(), call(), and apply()

The bind() method is similar to the call() and apply() methods, but there are some differences:

Creates a new function with a specified this value and arguments provided one by one.Calls a function with a specified this value and arguments provided one by one.Calls a function with a specified this value and arguments provided as an array (or an array-like object).
Returns a new function.Returns the result of the function.Returns the result of the function.
Does not immediately execute the function.Immediately executes the function.Immediately executes the function.