Callbacks function in JavaScript
A callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed by that function at a certain point in its execution.
Callbacks are commonly used in asynchronous programming, where a function may need to wait for an operation to complete before continuing its execution.
Here are some key points about callbacks in JavaScript:
A callback function is defined separately from the function that will call it.
As an example:
function myCallbackFunction() {
console.log("This is my callback function");
function myFunction(callback) {
console.log("This is my function");
- The callback function is passed as an argument to the calling function. The
function takes the "myCallbackFunction"
as an argument.
As an example:
The calling function executes the callback function at a certain point in its execution.
In this example, the "myFunction"
function executes the callback function after printing "This is my function"
to the console:
function myFunction(callback) {
console.log("This is my function");
Callback functions can take arguments, which are passed by the calling function.
As an example:
function myCallbackFunction(argument) {
console.log("This is my callback function with argument " + argument);
function myFunction(callback) {
console.log("This is my function");
Callback functions can also be anonymous functions, defined inline when they are passed as arguments.
As an example:
function myFunction(callback) {
console.log("This is my function");
myFunction(function () {
console.log("This is my anonymous callback function");
When to Use a Callback?
There are many situations in which you might want to use a callback function.
Here are some common examples:
Asynchronous operations
When you are performing an asynchronous operation, such as reading a file or making an HTTP request, you can use a callback function to handle the results of the operation once they become available.
As an example:
function readFile(callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
callback("This is the file content");
}, 1000);
function displayFile(file) {
Event handling
When you want to respond to an event, such as a button click or a keypress, you can use a callback function to define the behavior that should occur when the event happens.
As an example:
function handleClick() {
console.log("The button was clicked");
document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", handleClick);
When you are iterating over a collection of items, you can use a callback function to perform a specific action on each item.
As an example:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
function processNumber(number) {
console.log(`Processing number: ${number}`);
Dependency injection
When you want to inject behavior into a function, you can use a callback function to provide that behavior.
As an example:
function operate(callback) {
const value = 5;
const result = callback(value);
return result;
const double = (number) => number * 2;
const square = (number) => number * number;
const doubledResult = operate(double);
const squaredResult = operate(square);
console.log(`Double: ${doubledResult}`);
console.log(`Square: ${squaredResult}`);
When you want to separate concerns in your code and create reusable, modular components, you can use callbacks to define the behavior of those components.
As an example:
function operate(value, callback) {
return callback(value);
const inputValue = 5;
const doubledResult = operate(inputValue, (number) => number * 2);
console.log(`Double: ${doubledResult}`);
const addedTenResult = operate(inputValue, (number) => number + 10);
console.log(`Add 10: ${addedTenResult}`);