jQueryjQuery DOMjQuery HTML DOMjQuery is a JavaScript library that can be used to manipulate HTML and CSS on a webpage.Here are some examples of how to manipulate the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) using jQuery:Selecting elements$("selector");Replace "selector" with the CSS selector for the element(s) you want to target.Changing the text content of an element$("selector").text("new text content");This will change the text content of the element(s) to the specified value.Changing the HTML content of an element$("selector").html("new <b>HTML</b> content");This will change the HTML content of the element(s) to the specified value.Adding an element$("selector").append("<p>New element</p>");This will add a new element as a child of the selected element(s).Removing an element$("selector").remove();This will remove the selected element(s) from the DOMnoteRemember to include the jQuery library in your HTML file before using these jQuery code snippets.