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jQuery is a JavaScript library that can be used to manipulate HTML and CSS on a webpage.

Here are some examples of how to manipulate the HTML Document Object Model (DOM) using jQuery:

Selecting elements


Replace "selector" with the CSS selector for the element(s) you want to target.

Changing the text content of an element

$("selector").text("new text content");

This will change the text content of the element(s) to the specified value.

Changing the HTML content of an element

$("selector").html("new <b>HTML</b> content");

This will change the HTML content of the element(s) to the specified value.

Adding an element

$("selector").append("<p>New element</p>");

This will add a new element as a child of the selected element(s).

Removing an element


This will remove the selected element(s) from the DOM


Remember to include the jQuery library in your HTML file before using these jQuery code snippets.