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BitFields and Memory Allocation in C

Memory Allocation for Bitfields

  • Memory allocation for bitfields is handled automatically by the compiler, that is when a bitfield is defined, the compiler will automatically allocate the necessary number of bits for each field within the structure.

  • The size of a bitfield structure is implementation-dependent and can vary between different systems and compilers.

  • The bitfields are then packed into bytes or words as needed to ensure that the overall structure is byte-aligned.

  • In other words, the memory alocations methods for structures and unions, namely static and dynamic memory allocation already take care of memory allocation for Bitfields and do not needs any special considerations.

Bitfields and Dynamic Memory

If you need to allocate memory for a bitfield structure dynamically at runtime, you can use the malloc() function from the standard library to allocate memory for the structure.


Here's an example of how to allocate memory for a bitfield structure using malloc():

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned int flag1 : 1;
unsigned int flag2 : 1;
unsigned int count : 4;
} * myBitsPtr;

int main()
myBitsPtr = malloc(sizeof(struct));

myBitsPtr->flag1 = 1;
myBitsPtr->flag2 = 0;
myBitsPtr->count = 5;

printf("flag1 = %u, flag2 = %u, count = %u\n", myBitsPtr->flag1,
myBitsPtr->flag2, myBitsPtr->count);

return 0;


  • We allocate memory for a bitfield structure myBits using malloc() and store a pointer to the allocated memory in myBitsPtr.
  • We then set the values of the bitfields using the arrow (->) operator and print the values of the bitfields using the %u format specifier.
  • Finally, we free the memory allocated by malloc() using the free() function.
  • Note that when you allocate memory for a bitfield structure dynamically using malloc(), you should ensure that the size of the allocated memory is sufficient to store the entire bitfield structure.
  • The size of a bitfield structure is implementation-dependent and can vary between different systems and compilers.