FunctionsOverviewOverview Of Functions In CWhat are functions in CA function is a block of code that performs a specific task and returns a value. Functions are a fundamental building block of C programming and provide a powerful way to manage and organize code.Functions are used to break down large and complex programs into smaller and manageable chunks. Functions make it easier to develop, maintain, and reuse code. Functions can accept arguments as input, perform a specific task, and return a value.The syntax of a function definition in C is:return_type function_name(argument_list) { // function body}For example:int sum(int a, int b) { int result; result = a + b; return result;}ExplanationThe function named "sum" accepts two integers as arguments and returns the sum of those two numbers.Building blocks of functionThe building blocks of a function in C include:Function Signature: The first line of a function definition that includes the return type, name, and parameters of the function. The function signature must match the function declaration in order to ensure that the function can be called correctly.Function Body: The section of the function definition that contains the statements that define the tasks performed by the function. The function body is surrounded by curly braces {}.Parameters: The variables that are declared in the function signature and used to receive the values of the arguments passed to the function.Local Variables: Variables that are declared within the function body and are only accessible within the scope of the function.Return Statement: The statement used to return a value from the function back to the calling code. The return statement can be used to return any value of the specified return type, or to return control to the calling code without returning a value.Argument List: The list of values passed to the function when it is called. The argument list must match the parameter list in terms of data type and number of arguments.Building Blocks - ExampleHere is an example showing the building blocks of a function in C:#include <stdio.h>// Function Signatureint multiply(int x, int y){ // Local Variables int result; // Function Body result = x * y; // Return Statement return result;}int main(){ // Function Call with Arguments int product = multiply(5, 10); // Print Result printf("The product is: %d\n", product); return 0;}Run Example >>Output:Why do we use functionsModularity: Functions allow you to break a large, complex program into smaller and more manageable chunks, making the code easier to understand, maintain, and debug.Reusability: Functions can be written once and used multiple times in the same program or in different programs, making the code more reusable.Improved readability: Functions provide a clear and concise way to describe a specific task, making the code more readable and understandable.Better organization: Functions allow you to organize code in a logical and structured manner, making it easier to debug and maintain.Abstraction: Functions can hide the details of a task, providing a higher level of abstraction and making the code easier to understand and use.