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Overview of Typedef in C

What is TypeDef

  • Typedef is a keyword used to create an alias(another specified name) for an existing data type.
  • It allows the programmer to define a new type name that can be used in place of the original type name.


The syntax for creating a typedef is as follows:

typedef existing_type new_type_name;

For example:

If you want to define a new type name called myint that is an alias for the built-in integer data type, you can use the following typedef statement:

typedef int myint;

After this statement, you can use myint in place of int in your code, as shown below:

myint x = 10;

This statement is equivalent to:

int x = 10;
  • Typedefs can also be used to create aliases for more complex types, such as structures and pointers.


Below is an example program that demonstrates the use of typedef in C

#include <stdio.h>

// Define a typedef for an integer
typedef int myint;

int main()
myint a = 10;
myint b = 20;

myint sum = a + b;

printf("Sum = %d\n", sum);

return 0;


  • We define a typedef for an int called myint.
  • We then use this typedef to create two variables a and b, which are of type myint.
  • We then add these two variables together and store the result in another variable sum, which is also of type myint.
  • Finally, we print the value of sum.

This program demonstrates how typedef can be used to create aliases for existing data types, which can make code more readable and easier to maintain. In this case, we create an alias for int called myint, which can be used to declare variables and perform arithmetic operations just like an int.

Advantages of using typedefs

There are several advantages to using typedef in C:

Improved code readability

  • By using typedef to create meaningful names for data types, code can become more readable and easier to understand.
  • For example: typedef int MyInteger; is more descriptive and easier to understand than simply using int.

Abstraction of implementation details

  • By using typedef to abstract implementation details, code can be made more modular and easier to maintain.
  • For example: if a typedef is used for a pointer type, the underlying implementation of the data structure pointed to can be changed without having to modify other parts of the code.

Simplification of complex declarations

  • By using typedef to create shorter, more concise aliases for data types, complex declarations can be simplified and made easier to read.
  • For example: typedef int (*myfunc)(int, int); is a simpler and more concise way of declaring a function pointer that takes two int arguments and returns an int.


  • By using typedef to create aliases for data types, code can be made more portable across different platforms and compilers.
  • This is because typedef can be used to create platform-independent names for data types, which can help to avoid compatibility issues.


  • By using typedef to create consistent naming conventions for data types, code can be made more consistent and easier to maintain.
  • This is because typedef can be used to enforce naming conventions across an entire codebase, which can help to avoid confusion and errors.

The use of typedef in C can help to improve code readability, simplify complex declarations, abstract implementation details, ensure portability, and enforce naming conventions, all of which can contribute to more maintainable and flexible code and is very helpful in large business applications with lacks of lines of code.