PreprocessorsOverviewPreprocessor OverviewPreprocessorPreprocessor is a software tool that processes the source code before it is compiled.It performs various tasks such as including header files, defining constants and macros, and conditional compilation.The preprocessor uses special directives, which begin with a "#" symbol, to carry out these tasks.Example#include <stdio.h>#define HELLO_WORLD "Hello, World!"int main(void){ printf("%s\n", HELLO_WORLD); return 0;}Explanation: The preprocessor directive #define is used to define the macro HELLO_WORLD as the string "Hello, World!".The preprocessor replaces all occurrences of the HELLO_WORLD macro in the code with the string "Hello, World!" before the code is compiled.To see the preprocessed code, we can use the gcc compiler with the -E option to only perform the preprocessing stage and output the result to a file.Running below command will preprocess the code in hello.c and save the result in hello.i.gcc -E hello.c -o hello.iPreprocessed file:The contents of the preprocessed file hello.i:**# 1 "hello.c"# 1 "<built-in>"# 1 "<command-line>"# 1 "hello.c"# 1 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 1 3 4# 2 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4# 3 "hello.c" 2int main(void){ printf("%s\n", "Hello, World!"); return 0;}As we can see, the HELLO_WORLD macro has been replaced with the string "Hello, World!" in the preprocessed file. This is the code that will be compiled by the compiler.Common uses of the preprocessorMacro expansionThe preprocessor allows programmers to define macros, which are sets of instructions that can be used multiple times in a program. Macros help to simplify code and reduce redundancy.Conditional compilationThe preprocessor enables conditional compilation, which allows different parts of the code to be compiled or excluded based on certain conditions. This helps to create more efficient and streamlined programs.File inclusionThe preprocessor allows files to be included in a program, which makes it easier to reuse code and avoid duplication. By including files in a program, programmers can simplify the coding process and create more modular and maintainable code.DebuggingThe preprocessor can be used for debugging purposes by enabling conditional compilation and adding debug statements to the code. This helps programmers to identify and fix errors in the code more quickly and efficiently.Advantages of using PreprocessorPreprocessor directives are used to instruct the preprocessor to perform specific tasks, such as including files or defining macros.Including header files allows programmers to use pre-existing code libraries and avoid the need to write the same code over and over again.The preprocessor can simplify code by allowing programmers to define macros for frequently used code snippets or values.The preprocessor can be used for conditional compilation, which allows programmers to write code that can be compiled differently depending on the operating system, architecture, or other conditions.Using the preprocessor can help to reduce code duplication, which can make code maintenance and updates easier and more efficient.Purpose of PreprocessorThe preprocessor is used to process source code before it is compiled or interpreted.The main purpose of the preprocessor is to simplify programming and reduce redundancy.