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Preprocessor Directives in C

Preprocessor Directives

  • Preprocessor directives are commands used in computer programming to provide instructions to the preprocessor*.

  • These directives begin with a hash (#) symbol and are processed by the preprocessor before the source code is compiled or interpreted.

Example of a preprocessor directive

Here is a simple example of a preprocessor directive:

#include <stdio.h>


  • The directive #include is used to instruct the preprocessor to include the header file stdio.h in the program.
  • The stdio.h header file contains declarations for standard input and output functions such as printf() and scanf(), which are commonly used in C programming.
  • When the program is compiled or interpreted, the preprocessor will replace the #include directive with the contents of the stdio.h header file, making the standard input and output functions available for use in the program.

Types of Preprocessor Directives

There are several types of preprocessor directives in C programming, each with its own specific function.

Here are the main types of preprocessor directives:

Include Directives

  • #include directive is used to include header files in the program.
  • #include_next directive is used to include the next header file with the same name in the include search list.

Macro Directives

  • #define directive is used to define a macro.
  • #undef directive is used to undefine a macro.
  • #ifdef directive is used to check whether a macro is defined or not.
  • #ifndef directive is used to check whether a macro is not defined or not.
  • #if directive is used to test a compile-time condition.
  • #else directive is used with the #if directive to provide an alternative code path.
  • #elif directive is used with the #if directive to provide an additional condition to test.

Conditional Compilation Directives

  • #if, #else, and #endif directives are used for conditional compilation.
  • #ifdef, #ifndef, and #undef directives are also used for conditional compilation.

Error Handling Directives

  • #error directive is used to generate a compilation error message.
  • #warning directive is used to generate a compilation warning message.

Pragma Directives

  • #pragma directive is used to provide additional information to the compiler, such as optimization settings or alignment requirements.

Commonly used Preprocessor Directives

Preprocessor DirectiveDescription
#includeIncludes a header file in the source code.
#defineDefines a macro that can be used throughout the code.
#ifdef Conditionally compiles code if a particular macro is defined.
#ifndefConditionally compiles code if a particular macro is not defined.
#if Conditionally compiles code based on a condition.
#elseSpecifies an alternative condition to compile if the preceding condition is not met.
#elifSpecifies an alternative condition to compile if the preceding condition is not met, and another condition is true.
#undef Undefines a previously defined macro.
#pragmaProvides implementation-specific directives to the compiler.
#errorGenerates a compiler error message with the specified text.